This event is in the "Children (K - 2nd grade)" group. This event is in the "Children (3rd - 5th grade)" group. This event is in the "Tweens (6th - 8th grade)" group. This event is in the "Teens (9th - 12th grade)" group. This event is in the "Adults (18 and up)" group. Altered Books Contest Registration 03/15/2025 @ 6:00am - 04/15/2025 @ 7:30pm Children (K - 2nd grade), Children (3rd - 5th grade), Tweens (6th - 8th grade), Teens (9th - 12th grade), Adults (18 and up) Other Open Required This event is in the "Children (K - 2nd grade)" group. This event is in the "Children (3rd - 5th grade)" group. This event is in the "Tweens (6th - 8th grade)" group. This event is in the "Teens (9th - 12th grade)" group. This event is in the "Adults (18 and up)" group. Mar-Apr 15 2025 Altered Books Contest Registration 03/15/2025 @ 6:00am - 04/15/2025 @ 7:30pm Other Open Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Age Group: Children (K - 2nd grade), Children (3rd - 5th grade), Tweens (6th - 8th grade), Teens (9th - 12th grade), Adults (18 and up) Program Type: Other Required Seats Remaining: 49 Event Details: Create a work of art using a book. Pick up a book, get creative, and display your art at the library.Pick up a book to alter at the Reference Desk starting Books March 15 and drop off your artwork no later than April 15.
This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. MidLab - Staffed Hours (Victoria) 10:00am - 1:30pm Ages 12 and up MidLab Open Required This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue MidLab - Staffed Hours (Victoria) 10:00am - 1:30pm MidLab Open Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: MidLab Maker Space- AS Age Group: Ages 12 and up Program Type: MidLab Required Seats Remaining: 6 Event Details: The MidLab is a place for adults and teens to create, tinker, and explore! Registration is for one session and is required to use the MidLab space. Learn more about the MidLab at:
This event is in the "Babies (0 - 18 months)" group. Baby Storytime 10:30am - 11:00am Babies (0 - 18 months) Storytime This event is in the "Babies (0 - 18 months)" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue Baby Storytime 10:30am - 11:00am Storytime Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: Story Room Age Group: Babies (0 - 18 months) Program Type: Storytime Event Details: Enjoy connecting with your baby using songs, dances, and stories!This program is for ages 0-18 months and will take place in the Story Room.
This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. MidLab - DIY hours 2:00pm - 4:30pm Ages 12 and up MidLab Open Required This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue MidLab - DIY hours 2:00pm - 4:30pm MidLab Open Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: MidLab Maker Space- AS Age Group: Ages 12 and up Program Type: MidLab Required Seats Remaining: 6 Event Details: The MidLab is a place for adults and teens to create, tinker, and explore! Registration is for one session and is required to use the MidLab space.
This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. MidLab Class - Sublimating door hangers 5:00pm - 6:00pm Ages 12 and up MidLab Required This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue MidLab Class - Sublimating door hangers 5:00pm - 6:00pm MidLab Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: MidLab Maker Space- AS Age Group: Ages 12 and up Program Type: MidLab Required Seats Remaining: 5 Event Details: Stephanie will help you sublimate a door hanger that you can take home! Materials are provided.Learn more about the MidLab at:
This event is in the "Children (3rd - 5th grade)" group. This event is in the "Tweens (6th - 8th grade)" group. Mutt-i-grees at GADML 6:00pm - 7:00pm Children (3rd - 5th grade), Tweens (6th - 8th grade) Health & Wellness Required This event is in the "Children (3rd - 5th grade)" group. This event is in the "Tweens (6th - 8th grade)" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue Mutt-i-grees at GADML 6:00pm - 7:00pm Health & Wellness Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: Story Room Age Group: Children (3rd - 5th grade), Tweens (6th - 8th grade) Program Type: Health & Wellness Required Seats Remaining: 15 Event Details: All About CatsJoin us to learn about shelter cats, their amazing senses, needs and body language.
This event is in the "Adults (18 and up)" group. Adult Storytime 6:00pm - 7:00pm Adults (18 and up) Performance, Storytime Required This event is in the "Adults (18 and up)" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue Adult Storytime 6:00pm - 7:00pm Performance, Storytime Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: Community Room Age Group: Adults (18 and up) Program Type: Performance, Storytime Required Seats Remaining: 48 Event Details: Why should only children get a storytime? Welcome to "Adult Storytime", where adults get to enjoy being swept up into a story just like their children do! Get ready for an evening of quiet drama, or soaring action, or laugh-out-loud comedy.
This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. MidLab Class - Sublimating door hangers 6:00pm - 7:00pm Ages 12 and up MidLab Required This event is in the "Ages 12 and up" group. Apr 8 2025 Tue MidLab Class - Sublimating door hangers 6:00pm - 7:00pm MidLab Library Branch: Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Room: MidLab Maker Space- AS Age Group: Ages 12 and up Program Type: MidLab Required Seats Remaining: 5 Event Details: Stephanie will help you sublimate a door hanger that you can take home! Materials are provided.Learn more about the MidLab at: